

Initiative for the protection of food

The swiss science, education and culture committee (SECC) recently approved the extension of the moratorium on the cultivation of genetically modified crops until 2027, including new genetic engineering techniques

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40 years of diversity observed and tasted

gzpk (Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz, a grain breeding company), celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2024. The non-profit association opened its doors for the anniversary celebrations in Feldbach/ZH on 22nd June.

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The SEKEM story: A miracle in the desert became reality

Experience the SEKEM story in 8 minutes: The story of how a miracle in the desert became reality brilliantly told by the great filmmaker John D. Liu. Share the SEKEM story and join our mission for a sustainable future!

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Landwirtschaftliche Sektion am Goetheanum

Conference Contributions

Biodynamic research is carried out in every agriculture field and in many places around the world. It makes use of a broad range of methods and links to various other research areas such as agroecology.

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Landwirtschaftliche Sektion am Goetheanum

Pierre Masson †

Pierre Masson had been deeply involved with the development and spread of biodynamic agriculture for many decades, with a special interest in the preparations.

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The 1st International Conference on Biodynamic Research

Taking an inter- and trans-disciplinary approach, we aim to bring together both academic research and farmer’s expertise to explore and discuss issues in biodynamic food and farming systems.

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SEKEM Spring Festival 2018: A 40-Year Look Back, A 40-Year Look Ahead

Same time every year, music, short skits, eurythmy pieces and inspiring speeches lead the scene at the SEKEM Farm.

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Co-creating the future with a holistic approach

The positive consequences for the earth, for global climate and for the nutrition of mankind are significant and offer encouraging perspectives.

In the face of current challenges in food and farming – devastating milk prices for conventional dairy farms, extreme weather events as a consequence of climate change, financial speculation on farm land – the urgent need for a paradigm change in food and farming systems becomes more and more obvious. Biodynamic farming provides holistic models for societal change. Representatives of Demeter and Biodynamic associations from 23 different countries on five continents have met for their annual assembly in Italy from 11th to 15th June to discuss and adopt strategies for the further development of food and farming.

As the implementation of sustainable forms of agriculture require more research and qualified advisory services for the farmers, the Demeter community worked on these topics together with International Biodynamic advisers. Demeter-International feels responsible not only for the setting of high standards and consequent certification procedures but also for farmer support, for research and for market access advice.

To secure the sustainability of the Biodynamic approach, it is essential to have economic support through the whole chain from the consumer to the farmer. For this reason, the Demeter-International Members’ Assembly has adopted criteria to work on new forms of social and economic cooperation.
The participants of the Members’ Assembly could see the excellent Biodynamic work in Italy. Carlo Noro is specialized in making the Biodynamic preparations embedded in a diverse horticultural farm organism. It was impressing to see with which accuracy, perfection and enthusiasm this work is achieved.

Agrilatina and Biolatina are two big farm organisms that both focus on soil fertility by working with specialised machinery and a whole set of composting, green manure and crop rotations. Both integrate cows in their farms, which is typical for Biodynamic agriculture.
Demeter-International looks optimistically to the future with increasing areas being farmed Biodynamically.

Presently 180,000 hectares are Demeter certified in 54 countries. The positive consequences for the earth, for global climate and for the nutrition of mankind are significant and offer encouraging perspectives.

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