
«One must be able to think in colors and forms as one is able to think in terms and thoughts.»

Speech Formation


Speech Formation is the art of words and gestures. It was developed in 1903 by the spiritual scientist Rudolf Steiner together with ellocutionist Marie Steiner von Sievers. Marie Steiner von Sievers was trained by the actress madame Marie Favart of the Comédie Française, the actress Maria von Strauch-Spettini of the German Theater in St Petersburg, and speech teacher Serafine Détschy in Berlin.

The Speech Choir toured Europe from 1928 to 1935 performing poems by Rudolf Steiner, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Albert Steffen, Christian Morgenstern etc. It received public acknowledgment for their unique acheivments.

The premier of Goethe's unabridged Faust brought worldwide recognition to the Goetheanum.

"Before one can form drama through the voice, a lot of consciuosness has to be there in the voice. First, we had work with the training of the speech flow through the sounds. Today, you have to learn to consciously feel the sounds."
(Rudolf Steiner, 29. Juli 1922)