
Summer School Iona and Isle of Mull
The association "Anblick" gives an overview of recenct and upcoming activities, including a public theme night on the 2017 Iona Summer school.
… >> Summer School Iona and Isle of Mull

Will robots teach us to communicate properly?
Interaction with robots in our everyday lives can have a positive influence, says the philosopher Prof. Birger Priddat, in that it forces us to communicate rationally. Machines could in this way contribute to shaping our culture.
… >> Will robots teach us to communicate properly?

The cosmos in your living room
It reflects the real relationships between the planets transformed into sound and transposed to be suitable for human hearing. … >> The cosmos in your living room

The Enigma of Potentisation
'New Perspectives In Science 2014' is the fourth conference about scientific endeavors inspired by Anthroposophy.
… >> The Enigma of Potentisation
Am 10. Juni 2006 Symposium der Paul Schatz Stiftung in Basel
Am Samstag, den 10. Juni, findet im SCALA BASEL von 9.45 bis 22 Uhr ein Symposium der Paul Schatz Stiftung zur Förderung von Zukunftstechnologien statt. … >> Am 10. Juni 2006 Symposium der Paul Schatz Stiftung in Basel
Summer School Iona and Isle of Mull
Newsletter - November Issue

Samain - the winter start celebration as threshold crossing
One of the great annual festivals celebrated by the Celts - handed down to this day in Ireland - is the great autumn festival of Samain. It marked the transition into winter and is even interpreted by some authors as the beginning of the year. Halloween is the remake of this festival, brought to America by Irish emigrants and from there to the whole world. It still has, together with the Celtic Samain, that it is essentially about the fact that this night the doors to the spiritual world, to the other world or underworld, are open. In the positive, as in the negative: Inspirational, but also as a danger! Every household took fire from a big fire to light the stove in their own house. This, a picture of contemplation, as a sign of the beginning of the half of the year which is dedicated to the inwardness and the occupation with the depths of the own. That this turn means a threshold which was ceremonial-ritually exceeded, we can still understand today. In autumn and especially in late autumn, we realize that something is required of us. Often there are social tensions and personal doubts and strife. Something "pushes". According to Steiner, and particularly impressively described by Prokofieff in his book on festivals and the yearly cycle, the current season, or the human being, the soul at this time, is endangered. From the life of summer in nature, in the external, in the swinging with the beauty of the sensory worlds is the change to the winter, the eversion into an inner life a drama. Many often endure this unconsciously, passively, simply carried away by nature. Then often big challenges arise. But these are experiences on the threshold: Guardian experiences, encounter with the doppelganger.
The enthusiasm of many of the participants of the previous Summer School Iona 2017 is fading out these days. It already seems a long way, the summer seems far away, the freshness of the experiences has faded. The Summer School 2018 preparatory group is shrinking and shrinking and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find appointments, to sit down together for constructive preparatory work leading to the concrete, practical realization of the future meeting. It is now winter time, which is also a Pralaya time for exoteric activity. However, the fruits of the summer will slowly continue to ripen underground and will reveal itself - who knows, consciously or unconsciously, deliberately questioned or suddenly appearing on its own - during the Christmas season or the holy days and nights.
However, transitional time also always means initiation: to say goodbye and let go, to enter into perception for the present, to let the new - possibly anticipated as an Advent light - come, to turn the focus. Not necessarily forward, but inside. At the Samain festival, at least for the priestly caste, the Other world was deliberately visited and sacrificed, it was questioned and it was specifically involved. Today, everyone can and must visit the inner Druid to get in touch with their own Other world. Because, if we unconsciously skip this threshold, we carry things with us that make a real rebirth at Christmas difficult.
News on Iona Summer School participants
Some of the Romanians from 2016 indicated their plans to come again 2018!
Unfortunately Luna Erdmann, one of the founders of the Summer School, will – due to other obligatons – not be able to be with us in 2018.
We are very glad to have, if not as replacment but rather as a new ingredient, Mikko Jairi (from Finnland, resident in Berlin) with us, to do Eurythmy with us in the mornings. Mikko is very connected to nature and is an anvanced scolar of Dorian Schmidt`s method of "Bildekräfteforschung". Dirk, Griet and myself know him from an intensive work about "Skythianos" that was held (with others) at the beginning of this year.
We will have a new face as a workshop leader in 2018: Loan Miége. She is from France and a clearvoient expert on nature and elementary beeings. She is very connected to Iona and Scotland where she travelled many times and identified powerfull spots that she calls "Chakras". She will offer a workshop together with Katherine Buchanan. So the topic of healing sites will span from sensual obersvations with plants and lanscape to supersensible observations at Iona`s holy places.
Ucoming dates and activities
- On Friday 22nd December we have an open evening about the Iona Impulse and related subject, including a presentation about our 2017 Iona Summer School. Everyone is welcome. It will take place @ the Goetheanum in Dornach (language will be German) in the "Glashaus" (Natural Science Section), "Mittelraum".
- We will have Iona meetings (to prepare the 2018 Summer School, which will be open for everyone interested and which give opportunities to join the group and to do exercises in the spirit of Western Mysteries.
- To deal with "Iona" in a more seminar like way "Anblick" offers seminars. Just before Christmas, we have our anual "Seelisches Beobachten in der Weihnachts-Natur" Seminar with Dirk Kruse.
Summer School Iona and Isle of Mull
Consisting of two parts: “The Summer Camp on Mull” and the “Travel Week”, the summer school is an open space for deep immersion into nature, self and the social in the great outdoors of Scotland.
Saturday 21st July 5 p.m. until Saturday 4th August 11 p.m. at Leob Croft, Mull.
Conference “core” time:
Thursday 26th July 3 p.m., ends Thursday 2nd August 11 p.m.
More Information:
Travel Week 2018
Journey to spiritual hotspots in the UK (starting on Mull Sat. 4th August). The Western Mysteries and their places. D. N. Dunlop, R. Steiner, King Arthur, new social impulses for the anthroposophical society and the future of the social. What can we learn from Western Mysteries? What can we see, sense and experience in the nature of places once hotspots of western spirituality and what do they tell us today?
More Information:
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We are a "Verein", rooted in Arlesheim, Switzerland. If you like to support us on a regular basis, you can join us by becoming a member. Learn about different possibilities to support our work by reading the information on the link below (information in German).
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