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Goetheanum, Dornach |

Colour in the Elements - Elements of Colour

International Summer University

This year's International Summer University of the Natural Science Section will focus on one of the ongoing themes at the Research Institute: colour. Participants will spend the first week in the Alpine valley of Lötschental with the theme Colour in the Elements, working with methods for observation of colour phenomena in nature. The second week, entitled Elements of Colour, will be held at the Glashaus, home of the Research Institute in Dornach, where this work will be taken further with aspects of colour that can be explored through experimentation. Also, a visit to the Experiment COLOUR exhibition, developed at the Institute several years ago, is on the agenda.

The International Summer University is organized and led by the faculty of the Research Institute. It is open to students, scholars and anyone interested in a scientifc approach to colour.

More information:

Flyer "save-the-date" (the full flyer with information about programm and costs will be published soon)

Website of the Research Institute
