“Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge aiming to guide the spiritual element in the human being to the spiritual in the universe.”
Rudolph Steiner
The Study of Humanities as Prerequisite for Spiritual Research
In an essay from 1998 entitled “The Study of Humanities as Prerequisite for Spiritual Research” Heinz Zimmermann, co-founder of the Rudolf Steiner Pedagogical Seminar in Dornach, writes about the importance of studying humanities.
(no translation available)
Heinz Zimmermann: Expanding Boundaries - Experiencing Reality. Stuttgart 1998.
Original title:
Heinz Zimmermann. Grenzen erweitern / Wirklichkeit erfahren, "Das Studium der Geisteswissenschaft als Voraussetzung für Forschung auf geistigem Felde". Stuttgart 1998. p. 17f