Waldorf education ...
... places the child at the centre of all educative efforts. It enquires into the gifts and potential available in each child, and tries to nurture and develop these. It tries to help the child unfold his or her full potential, to care for children in the community context in which they grow up, and to prepare them for the tasks facing them in the modern age.
Waldorf Resources

The Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum on behalf of the International Forum for Steiner/Waldorf Education are dedicated to supporting Steiner Waldorf Teachers worldwide by providing the best possible resources and articles on the information portal "Waldorf Resources".
Children and teenagers are the reason why there are nurseries, playgroups, kindergartens and schools in the world. The young generation is the true principal for all those who care for our children's wellbeing. The website wants to support all those who are connected to this task.
In the categories Foundation, Early Childhood, Teaching Practice, Self Development and School Management you will find collections of articles focusing on various aspects of preparation. How can a school lesson or a sequence of activities for the kindergarten be prepared? What is important for very young children? How may a parents' evening be planned and what are the preconditions for cooperative school management?
This website focuses on the conditions needed to plan and implement learning opportunities in schools, kindergartens and wherever children and teenagers are being cared for. It also addresses questions connected to personal and professional self development.
The Forums enable, support and encourage the worldwide exchange of ideas and concerns among teachers.
A list of international conferences, adult education courses and more is available in the category Events.