In living nature ...
... even more clearly than in the inorganic world - nothing happens which is not in connection with the whole.

Anthroposophical scientific studies on chemistry include diverse, mutually enhancing but sometimes also controversially debated research approaches. What they have in common is the attempt to establish perspectives on substances and processes which render natural phenomena spiritually transparent and help reveal the connection between man and nature.
In this field, basic research - which exclusively serves the acquisition of knowledge - is usually at the same time applied research, since new perspectives also enable one to act differently. By this means and through its research results, anthroposophical and Goethean chemistry contributes to the foundations of anthroposophical medicine and pharmacy, biodynamic agriculture and Waldorf education.
The principle subjects of research, apart from issues related directly to practice and application, cover all chemical phenomena and contexts (see examples of studies for specific details). Main emphases lie in anorganic chemistry (chemical elements, simple basic substances, metals etc.), biochemistry (including plant substances and transformation processes) and the scientific philosophy of chemistry (concept of matter, concept of substance, the elements etc.).
Three themes – both separately and in combination – can be regarded as characteristic: relinquishing concept models, deriving methodology from the subject of investigation, and trying to discover how the subject relates to the human being.