- Lives in Germany
- Born 1957 in Primasens
- Studied communication design with a focus on photography at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
- 1983 Diploma in the field of “Picture Research”
- 1983-1985 freelance work at the German Film Museum
- 1981-1985 design and organization of arts exhibitions
- Since 1988 photophraphy in the fields of culture and pedagogy, as well as for social institutions and commercial enterprises
It is the photographer’s main objective to bring to light the true nature of her motives by using natural light only (Available Light Photography).
Insight into her work:
Pictures of the day
On every day I am taking photographs, I select one to be published here. It does claim to be particularly successful. It can be understood as a note, as a picture message to good friends, or as a mood barometer. In any case, all “pictures of the day” stand for the day on which they were shot.