
Anthroposophical art and study days
In recent years, Christian Community pastor Daniel Hafner has been inviting young people to get to know Anthroposophy.
… >> Anthroposophical art and study days

The meeting of poles depends on us
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New directors of the Rudolf Steiner Archive
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… >> New directors of the Rudolf Steiner Archive

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About the coming Christmas Conference and the one of 1923
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News from the anthroposophical movement – Schweizer Mitteilungen
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… >> News from the anthroposophical movement – Schweizer Mitteilungen

News from the anthroposophical movement – Schweizer Mitteilungen
The May issue of “Anthroposophy – Swiss News” opens with the article “On the threshold of a new reality – Angeloi mingle with people” by Franz Ackermann, in which he follows Rudolf Steiner's suggestion that the angels are now entering into ever more intimate communion with humans and that it is important to learn to perceive this process.
… >> News from the anthroposophical movement – Schweizer Mitteilungen
Anthroposophical art and study days

'A proposal for young people in search of a truly human insight' is the title of the project so far. The idea is to try and organise a loose series of meetings in different places, where young people participate to introductory seminars in Anthroposophy with varying examples of application and community living, which plays an important role. An age limit of 18 to 26 years favours the encounter. In addition to the lecturers directly involved in the initiative, several guests will take part. Participants come from all over Germany and other countries.
Past topics have included projective geometry, colour theory, geology, the plant, evolution, the threefold structure of the human organism, the human skeleton, the evolution of culture, the history of philosophy, epistemology, the metamorphosis of the temple building, the Goetheanum, eurythmy, speech formation, Werbeck singing, colour painting, musical intervals, speech art, the threefold social structure, various basic writings by Rudolf Steiner, especially The Passage of My Life. A complete Mystery Drama was performed once, the second may be forthcoming.
During these meetings, which are attended by young people of great value, important friendships are formed and sometimes initiatives are born. The next event, from 30 June to 3 July, will focus on the kingdoms of nature. Participation in the 'extended' weekend costs 50 euros. The organisers wish to support in any way those who would like to participate but feel unable to do so because of the costs.
The hope is to develop an in-depth course in Anthroposophy.
Daniel Hafner
Daniel Hafner works as a priest in the Christian Community.
You can reach him at