
Breaking free of trauma

Emergency education in northern Iraq … >>

Summer Camp Iona and Isle of Mull 2016

Iona, the "birth place" of the cosmic Christianity  … >>

Waldorf emergency education team heads for Turkey

An emergency education team from the international Waldorf organisation Friends of Waldorf Education is heading for Turkey on Sunday for a short-term deployment with refugees from Syria and Iraq.  … >>

Amazing experience

Schumacher College is simply one of the finest teaching and learning environments to be found anywhere in the World. … >>

Swiss online platform “Without you” urges support for foreigners

When Switzerland voted by a very narrow margin in a referendum in February to restrict immigration, three Swiss citizens felt moved to do something about it.  … >>

Witten International Network

Newly founded student initiative wants better integration of international exchange students into university and student life at UW/H. … >>

The “very modern” crises of 1914

~ NNA series: The upheavals of the First World War ~  … >>

Haiyan – the monster storm

After the storm, the flood. Since typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines and other parts of the south-east Asia last month, followed by severe flooding, emergency aid has been pouring into the country.  … >>

Call for greater civil society engagement

Von Uexkull described the manifesto of the World Future Council as a “new brand” to save civilisation. … >>

Ethical banks call for positive vision of the financial system

Ethical banks from around the world have called for a fundamental transformation of the financial system to create greater stability and make people its focus.  … >>