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«Das Kind in Ehrfurcht empfangen, in Liebe erziehen und in die Freiheit entlassen.»
Rudolph Steiner
Natural Sciences

Modern science sees the visible tangible world as an expression of invisible forces. How do we gain access to the invisible forces? Our own approach emphasizes
- awe and wonder at the details of nature and of thought: This is the basis of modern (Goethean) science, whose aim it is to get to know invisible forces active in nature at en ever sublimer level. We believe that the power of awe is a basis for developing our conscousness of the world around us...
- training our thoughts to be unprejudiced so as not to block us to nature's novelties
- expanding the notion of forces to extend beyond those of conventional wisdom
- experiencing forces active in our own bodies, in our own thoughts and linking them to those active in nature and the cosmos.
Through these and other activities we hope to come to a more holistic conception of our organic, inorganic and human worlds.
Part of our current research is in physics - the study of the forces and their motions - and chemistry - understanding substance and its metamorphosis.
Furthermore we have developed and are researching various diagnostic tools based on Rudolf Steiner's ideas: so called 'image-forming methods'.
Interview with Dennis Klocek
Dennis Klocek is a scientist, gardener and alchemist in Sacramento, USA. He was interviewed for Jonathan Stedall's film 'The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner'. DVD and download of the film available at